
past research and industry experiences


  1. Columbia Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Lab, Columbia University
    Research Assistant, advised by Professor Shuran Song
    Nov 2021 - Present
  2. Computer Graphics and User Interfaces Lab, Columbia University
    Research Assistant, advised by Professor Steven Feiner
    Mar 2022 - Present


  1. Interdisciplinary Visual Intelligence Lab (IVILAB), University of Arizona
    Research Intern, advised by Dr. Adarsh Pyarelal and Professor Kobus Barnard
    May 2020 - Jul 2021
    • Collaborated on the DARPA-funded project Theory of Mind-based Cognitive Architecture for Teams (ToMCAT)
    • Designed a multimodal affect detection system through a Bayesian network interacting with low-level neural networks representing modalities such as webcam, speech, and electrophysiological signals
    • Developed the faceAnalyzer executable for estimating facial landmarks, eye gaze, head pose, and action units


  1. Computer Vision Lab, Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani
    Research Assistant, advised by Professor Jabez Christopher
    Aug 2019 - Apr 2020
    • Employed the FACS approach to study facial displays of learning-centered cognitive-affective states
    • Collected dataset containing self-annotated video sequence of 40 subjects from BITS Pilani
    • Designed a ConvNet architecture to estimate action units and classified emotion labels through Boosting and Multilayer Perceptron


  1. CN3 Lab, New York University
    Computational Neuroscience Intern, advised by Professor Zhe (Sage) Chen
    May 2019 - Jul 2019
    • Incorporated in-vivo neural recordings for spike and local field potential in a closed-loop rodent Brain Machine Interface for cortical pain neuromodulation
    • Performed spectral analysis of multi-channel LFP signals using Multi Tapering (Chronux), STFT and FFT to achieve maximum efficiency


  1. Paytm
    Data Analyst Intern
    May 2018 - Jul 2018
    • Worked on MIS Report Automation and agile development-based Dashboarding using MySQL, Dash and Pandas in Python